Ancient Tank Parts – The Launch

1 min read

Ancient Tank Parts – The Launch

Spider Tanks

These items have already been in your watchlists, and many of you who have been part of Spider Tanks from the start had tested them out on the battlefield. GAMEDIA team is excited to launch the first sale of Ancient Tank Parts, which are powerful, yet limited in supply.

Not for the Casual Gamer

Spider Tanks will soon take the gaming world by storm as the first blockchain-backed play-to-earn esport. It will be playable and adored by the casual gamer as well, but we expect serious gamers to seriously elevate the high-level competition. Those serious gamers will need serious equipment, and for that, they’ll turn to Ancient Parts. Seriously.

Ancient Pricing

These items will be sold with a system of increasing price tiers, similar to that with which Mirandus Exemplars are sold. Instead of the usual 10 tiers, Ancient Tank Parts will be sold in 5 tiers. Each tier will consist of 2 units.

That means every time the 2 units in a tier are sold, the next tier will soon return with a higher price. The price increase with each tier will be 10% of the original (tier 1) price.

Ancient Supply

While some other rarities of Tank Parts have been available in supplies of hundreds or even thousands, each Ancient Tank Part will only ever have a total of 10 available. This will put each Part’s rarity on the level with Ancient limited edition Tanks such as the (sold out) Whaleshark Tank.

Ancient Gameplay

Through Spider Tanks gameplay, players will have opportunities to use in-game resources to level up their tanks. When these level-ups occur, there is an element of randomness that determines how much power is gained from each level upgrade.

When already leveled up items (such as Ancient Tank Parts) are purchased from the Spider Tanks store, every built-in upgrade is perfect.

When you purchase an Ancient Tank Part, it will come perfectly upgraded to level 28. That means it will be stronger than any other version of that Weapon or Body, especially stronger than those that were leveled up organically through gameplay. because these Parts have already completed a leveling journey from 0 to 28 with a 100% perfect record, they will have incredibly powerful advantages over almost all other Parts in the game.

Ancient Parts

Here is a list of the Ancient Parts that have just been released in the Spider Tanks store. We have no idea how quickly these will go. Consider yourself warned.


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